Rental | Constant Practice
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All items on the website are available for rent. Whether you are a stylist outfitting a client, costume designer pulling for a shoot, or brand looking for inspiration, we are here to assist you in your search. Please send us an email detailing the items of interest and your purpose for using them, and we will respond promptly.

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Our ever-expanding permanent collection is the result of 8+ years searching for, curating, and determining the highest level of design we have seen. These pieces are not for sale and only available to rent on a case-by-case basis. We provide little information for this collection in an effort to provide the best value to clients.

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We offer additional services such as product sourcing, R&D, appointments, styling, creative consulting, and marketing on a case-by-case basis. Please inquire below with project details and business information, and we will follow up with you as soon as possible. Only serious inquiries will be considered.


For all other inquires, contact

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